Third and Fourth Grade
Grades Three and Four
South Bay Christian School
Our school theme this year is based on Romans 12:18 - If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. We are excited to learn what Jesus meant when he said, "Blessed are the Peacemakers!"
We continue to understand our school mission and vision statements through the Bible verse Micah 6:8 which teaches us to ACT justly, to LOVE mercy, and to WALK humbly with God.
SBCS Grades 3 & 4 Homework
Date: 01/13 /25
Math - 3rd Grade - Math Practice and Homework 5.4
4th Grade -Math - Intro to Ch. 5
See handout for Spelling and Reading Homework
Study your Memory Verse
Math - 3rd Grade - Math Practice and Homework 5.5
4th Grade - Math Practice and Homework 5.1
See handout for Spelling and Reading Homework
Study your Memory Verse
Math - 3rd Grade - Math Practice Test Ch. 5 - in class
4th Grade- Math Practice and Homework 5.2
See handout for Spelling and Reading Homework
Study your Memory Verse
Math - 3rd Grade - Math Ch. 5 Test in class
4th Grade - Math Practice and Homework 5.3
See handout for Spelling and Reading Homework
Study your Memory Verse - Be ready for the Memory Verse Test on Friday morning.
MEMORY VERSE: Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
Dear Parents,
Let’s continue to warmly welcome Somi, Luna, and Jayden who are studying with us for their winter break. Our students are very friendly!
Let’s continue to pray for those impacted by the wildfires in LA County. We will monitor the air quality this week each day and make decisions based on local recommendations for indoor modified schedules.
This Friday is Jeans Day and the funds collected will go to aid those impacted by the wildfires.
2nd Quarter Report Cards will be sent electronically this week. If you’d like to meet with Mrs. Dawson or myself, don’t hesitate to connect.
Thank you for encouraging responsible follow through with homework every day. Please refer to the school handbook for outerwear uniform items. Feel free to send an extra pair of athletic shoes for P.E.
Check out the Seabreeze and the Calendar on our school website for upcoming events at
Have a great week! Kirsten Born
Our Daily Schedule Grades 3 and 4
8:30 Attendance and Worship
8:45 Language Arts
10:45 Snack
11:00 Handwriting
11:15 Math Part 1
11:50 Lunch
12:30 P.E.
1:00 Math Part 2
1:45 Recess
2:00 Science and Soc. Studies
2:45 Bible and AR
Friday Schedule
8:30 Attendance
8:45 Chapel - snack to follow
10:00 Math
11:00 Reading
11:45 Music
12:20 Dismiss with prayer
Art with Mrs. Sleeman will be on Wednesday afternoons
Music: Recorder Class on Fridays