Volunteers & Vendors
We Appreciate Our Volunteers and After-School Enrichment Providers
Volunteering at SBCS
Volunteers have the opportunity to assist in the classroom, drive for field trips and serve as part of our Home and School Association (HSA) team. They support the planning and management of special HSA featured events and activities or can become an Adventures in Art docent.
There are numerous ways volunteers can be a great support to South Bay Christian School.
We do not require Parent Volunteer hours. Volunteers participate because they want to. Not because they are required to.
If you are interested in volunteering or providing services as part of our After-School Enrichment program, please complete the following steps and notify the school office when you have finished the tasks.
1. Live Scan form provided by the school and get live-scanned. You can pick up a form from the school office or download below. Please notify the office when you have completed the live-scan process so we may follow up and confirm your clearance. You can select the vendor of your choice who completes the live-scan process or visit - All Safe and Secure.
2. Child Abuse Mandated Reporter for Volunteers Training
To access training, click here. When training is complete please email a screenshot of the Completion Certificate to: office@sbchristian.com.
3. Field Trip Requirements: Insurance Verification Form and Volunteer Transportation Agreement
This form is available to download below. Please bring this form and the three items required to the office. We will make a copy of the items needed.
Copy of current valid Driver’s License.
Copy of current Insurance ID card showing Insurance Name and effective dates of insurance coverage.
Copy of Insurance Declaration page showing limits of insurance.
Volunteers and After-School Enrichment Providers:
All documents are to be submitted to the front office before volunteering.
All volunteers are to check-in at the front office when arriving on campus.
To access the required forms and training, please download the documents below and click the link for training.
If you have questions please contact the front office at office@sbchristian.com.
Live Scan Form
Child Abuse Mandated Reporter Volunteer training: Child Abuse Mandated Reporter online course
Insurance Verification Form